Tragedy or Farce?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Eliciting a Response

People can be cold, harsh. They learn this...They do it as a self-defense mechanism, to protect themselves from the world...Because people are jerks. They take a person, a child, and rip them open so many times that there isn't anything to do but turn callous. 
Why do we not have to care? People sit by and watch others die and get ripped to shreds in front of them, but, still, they refuse to give a damn. 
Maybe if the world were a warmer place, then we wouldn't have these problems...Maybe if we could all love and be loved, if we didn't have to deal with radicals trying to change things for the worst and conservatives refusing to admit there's something wrong, then we could live in perfect harmony. 
But, of course, we just get caught up in our web of Hell, stuck on the footnote of misery...Because, trust me, misery isn't the point of life. Love is.
And if we don't realize this soon, then the footnote's gonna be bigger than us all. 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A bit bitter are we? Unfortunately it's a little bit too easy to relate and admit that this is true.

October 6, 2010 at 10:09 PM  

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